stereograph for linux
 by fabian januszewski


    2003/11/17 - GTKstereograph 0.18b

  • J.-P. Demailly updated to the renderer to 0.33b and made some minor changes in callbacks.c


    2003/11/17 - stereograph 0.33b

  • J.-P. Demailly fixed a small bug in gfxio.c concerning png loading


    2003/11/16 - GTKstereograph 0.18a

  • J.-P. Demailly updated to the renderer to 0.33a and added the C script feature including the ge editor by Terry Loveall


    2003/11/16 - stereograph 0.33a

  • J.-P. Demailly added support for C script input and for X11 output


    2003/10/18 - stereograph 0.32a

  • J.-P. Demailly added JPEG support and corrected a bug in stereograph_parse_args(), thank you!


    2001/08/20 - GTKstereograph 0.17a

  • updated the renderer to 0.31a


    2001/08/19 - 0.31a

  • massively reorganized code and data structures
  • extended code documentation
  • no functional changes


    2000/12/26 - 0.30a

  • implemented front-distance-relative linear rendering, this results in a new interpretation of the former distance values


    2000/07/14 - 0.29a

  • implemented transparent rendering auto sensing which turns the -T flag obsolete
  • added ppm reading


    2000/06/21 - 0.28a

  • file format auto sensing implemented, stereograph and GTKstereograph now detect PNGs and TARGAs without file extensions;
  • fixed floating point exception in the new random texture generator
  • general code cleanups
  • package release 2: added the updated man page from Peter Palfrader
  • GTKstereograph 0.15a: updated the renderer to 0.28a and included support for the new random texture generator


    2000/06/18 - 0.27a

  • added experimental artistic random texture generator


    2000/06/17 - 0.26.1

  • fixed segmentation fault in argument list, GTKstereograph is not affected


    2000/06/09 - 0.26

  • implemented base level alignment for transparent rendering
  • added option to invert the base image
  • changed synopsis of the output format option
  • GTKstereograph-0.14a: updated the renderer and included the invert base option


    2000/06/06 - 0.25.1

  • fixed right change map 'black holes' that resulted in floating point exceptions due to uninitialized pointers values


    2000/06/05 - GTKstereograph 0.13.1a

  • fixed segmentation fault (GtkCritical)


    2000/06/04 - GTKstereograph 0.13a

  • reimplemented the complete interface
  • added support for the random texture generator


    2000/06/03 - 0.25

  • added random texture generator
  • reimplemented anti-artefacts feature and changed synopsis!
  • some renderer internal fixes
  • internally shifted some functions
  • fixed some minor bugs
  • GTKstereograph 0.12.2a: updated the renderer to 0.25


    2000/06/02 - 0.24

  • added the -w argument to define a constant texture width. this could be very useful for transparent stereograms and free texture images
  • fixed triangle zoom
  • GTKstereograph 0.12.1a: fixed some dialogs


    2000/05/31 - 0.23

  • added triangle aid flag -A that tells stereograph to add a pair of black triangles to the stereogram - this may help unexperienced eyes to achieve the magic view


    2000/05/30 - GTKstereograph 0.12a

  • added the rest of the dialogs


    2000/05/29 - 0.22

  • fixed starty texture alignment
  • fixed internal renderer statics
  • GTKstereograph 0.11a: added a neat texture alignment dialog


    2000/05/28 - 0.21

  • added linear rendering option
  • changed constant values due to GTKstereograph
  • GTKstereograph 0.10a now includes the current renderer


    2000/05/23 - 0.20.1a

  • fixed segmentation fault in transparent rendering memory managment
  • fixed standard rendering input file parsing


    2000/05/21 - 0.20a

  • introduced transparent rendering, standard rendering remains untouched
  • in contrast to the single layer convention for transparency the renderer does NOT provide the application with internal gfx pointers. that's due to the issue that this great amount of memory shall not be cleared up with clear_renderer;
  • updated the readme, just for the case :)


    2000/05/11 - 0.19.1

  • fixed png reading text output if verbose
  • added the -V option to display version
  • finally added the man page from Peter Palfrader
  • updated install and uninstall script


    2000/04/15 - 0.19

  • added file format switch option, adjusted arguments.


    2000/04/14 - 0.18

  • implemented ppm output filter. this filter is used especially for standard output.


    2000/04/13 - 0.17

  • implemented png i/o filter


    2000/04/12 - 0.16

  • added the verbosity flag and pipe interaction via standard output


    2000/04/10 - 0.15

  • added experimental anti-artefacts feature - please test it and tell me about your experiences


    2000/04/08 - 0.14

  • fixed zoom segmentation fault and a minor bug in the aa implementation, also concerning zoom'n'aa and even zoom
  • and again: roy keene fixed the makefile


    2000/03/31 - 0.13

  • changed memory managment of the renderer to speed up aa and zoom rendering
  • extended the readme


    2000/02/16 - 0.12

  • fixed aa rouding problem in the renderer


    2000/02/11 - 0.11

  • added eye perspective argument -e


    2000/02/09 - 0.10

    thanks to Roy Keene for fixing the makefiles


1998/2000 by fabian januszewski
a very old demonstration